
Showing posts from October, 2010

Review of Tim Flannery "Here on Earth" Text Publishing 2010

This is a book with a vast scope, and a brave book. It is very easy to read, and despite yourself you will learn things. I was blown away by some of the scientific content. I'm not sure if I understood it correctly, but the relationship between continents moving and the organisms that live on them just boggled my mind. He takes aim at Richard Dawkins. The narrow interpretation of evolution as simple genetic survival of the fittest is perhaps the primary target. The case is made very well, and again, I learned things. It's also interesting that the subtitle "an argument for hope" is aimed squarely at the pessimistic literature. One point he could have made is that pessimism is the ultimate abdication of responsibility. If it's all going to hell in a handbasket then what the heck, I'll just go to the pub. The idea of discounting the future. No future, no problem - no worries. Clive Hamilton ("Requiem for a Species") is never mentioned or discussed. Int...