why solo?
Why solo ? When I cycle tour, it's one of those questions. Oh, you ride solo? I'm married, but my wife doesn't like cycle touring. So rather than tag along and not enjoy it, I go on my own. Today I'm thinking of this question, as my favourite cycling couple Tim and Cindie Travis http://downtheroad.org are no more. Cindie's filing for divorce. It was a shock to me, as I've followed them on the internet for a long time. Almost met up with them once when they were in Tasmania, but missed the connection. But I always liked it that they were out there, riding along. Now Cindie is back in the US with her lawyer, and Tim is sitting in a village in Nepal. So why solo? Is it a macho thing? Well there are plenty of female solo cycle tourers. It's not that. More that it's a selective calling. You've got to ride at the same pace. Have a passion for sitting (and shitting) in the undergrowth. Headwind? No problem. Rain in your face all day? Bring it on. 40 de...